Systematic Problem Solving - Creative Meditation
Systematic Problem Solving
Oil Painting – Shelley D. Chuchmuch Dec 2015 Thinking Outside of the Box
Oil – Shelley D. Chuchmuch 2015 Policy Analysis
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The key to systematic problem solving is to understand the issue at hand. Solve your problems systematically based on the way that you feel as you are attempting to create solutions. This process is done on a weekly basis. Place the problem that you want to solve on the top of your paper at the beginning of your week. Each day, review your problem based on the influences of your environment and how the solution impacts you. Daily, immerse yourself in something that motivates you creatively. This process can be completed through painting, gardening, making music, anything that brings you joy and peace while doing it. While you are working on what you love, create alternatives to your problems through seeking solution.
Step 1: At the top of your page, write out the problem that you want to solve.
Step 2: Choose your method of problem-solving through creativity
Step 3: Come up with alternative solutions
Step 4: At the end of the week, or when your project is complete, act on the solution.